Contact the Guildmasters

That’s Us!

Hey there, you marvelous minstrel, gallant guardian, or magical mage! Got questions, riddles, or epic ballads to share? Need a rescue from a dragon (or just some website confusion)? You’ve found the right magical portal to reach out to us!

To get the fastest scroll back, clickety-click on that ‘Send a Message’ button below and unleash your words. Whether it's about crafting your dream character, questions about enchanted discounts, or just to say, "Hey, I think you guys are more awesome than a Bag of Holding!"—we want to hear from you.

🎉 Don't forget: for a swift response, include your order number, character alignment, and favorite spell. Just kidding about the last two, but hey, it could make for a fun chat!

Can't wait to connect and make your D&D dreams come true, one pixel at a time! 🌈🐉

Hit that button and let the adventure begin!

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